Cervical Cancer

In Nicaragua, 4 women with cervical cancer (CC) are detected each day, approximately 1.600 new cases of this type of cancer per year, and about 600 women die annually because of this disease. In 2011, the crude incidence rate for CC was 33.80 cases per 100.000 women according to estimates from the National Statistical Office of the Ministry of Health (MINSA).

Cancer of the cervix or cervical cancer originates in the lining cells of the cervix (commonly called “matrix”) affected by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). This type of cancer develops gradually over a period of between 10-15 years after becoming infected with HPV.

Cervical cancer or cervical cancer originates in the cellular lining of the cervix (commonly called the “womb”) affected by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). This type of cancer develops gradually over a period of 10-15 years after being infected with HPV.

Cancer of the cervix is the cancer more studied and understood by science. By its natural history we have understood the role of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and how it affects the cells of the cervix into cancer the type invader. To learn more about its natural history and what we must do to avoid this type of cancer that is preventable and treatable at low cost…  Of course, if it’s detected in time.
Fundación Movicancer
Cancer of the cervix is the cancer more studied and understood by science. By its natural history we have understood the role of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and how it affects the cells of the cervix into cancer the type invader. To learn more about its natural history and what we must do to avoid this type of cancer that is preventable and treatable at low cost… Of course, if it’s detected in time.

Human Papiloma Virus (HPV)

Human papilloma virus (HPV) infection is the most important risk factor for cervical cancer. This virus can infect the skin’s surface cells, and those that are in the genitals, anus, mouth, and throat, but cannot infect the blood or internal organs like the heart or lungs.

HPV can be transmitted from one person to another during skin contact. One way in which HPV is transmitted is through sex, including vaginal, oral, and rectal sex. The different types of HPV (6 and 11) cause warts in different parts of the body. Some types cause common warts on the hands and feet; Other types tend to cause warts on the lips or tongue.

Certain types of HPV can cause warts in or around the female and male genitals, as well as in the area of the anus. These types are called HPV low risk because they are rarely associated with cancer.

HPV and you

HPV is a virus so common, that 80% of women will acquire it at some point in their lives and may never develop this type of cancer. Safe sex (with a condom) is key to prevention, use of the vaccine, and often go to a screening for HPV detection, a Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid, popularly called VIAA, and a Pap smear is important to be free of this disease.

An effective way to not forget to perform this type of tests is to make it in dates difficult to forget, perhaps, linking it with some special day, such as birthdays, women’s day, holidays or mother’s day, etc.

Fundación Movicancer

Risk Factors
and Prevention

Like all types of cancers, there are some risk factors that enhance the appearance of these. In the case of cancer of the cervix, in addition to the HPV, there are other risk factors such as:

  • Do not sift periodically with Cervical cytology, HPV test or Visual inspection with acetic acid (VIAA) tests
  • Little information on the oppositions of prevention
  • Poor access to adequate health care services
  • Sexual risk behavior (multiple pregnancies, prolonged use of birth control pills, couples with sexual history above)
  • Addiction to tobacco.


When a test is positive to human papilloma Virus, the next goal is to make sure that it has not caused cancer or cancer in itself. When there are precursor lesions of cancer, different safe treatments can be offered, such as cryotherapy, thermocoagulation, electrocoagulation or biopsy cone.

All of these treatments are generally available at the Ministry of Health’s regional hospitals and primary health hospitals. These treatments have no cost to the affected woman or her family.

References: American Cancer Society

Checked: 05/04/2018
