What is cancer?

Cancer is a disease characterized by the uncontrolled growth of a group of cells in the body. Each year, are detected near 14 million new cases (2012-IARC) and not focusing on preventable cases (40% of all of the types of cancers) and in the early detection, around 20 million people will be affected by the year 2025.

The estimated load of incidence of cancer in Nicaragua according to the GLOBOCAN is 6,400 new cases per year, being the cancer of cervix (18%) the main cause of disease, breast cancer 11%, stomach 9%, prostate 8.7%, liver 8.4%, colorectal 6.5%, lung 5.7% and others 25%.

Cancer is not a single disease, because the causes are many and range from the genetic factor to the involvement of viruses, bacteria and even lifestyles and environmental aspects that affect tens of thousands of people in the Central American region.

Fortunately, in most cases the cancer can be treated effectively and achieve cure. Now more than ever there is a greater number of people who live a productive life during and after cancer treatment. Cancer is not a unique disease, it appears of many ways. It can begin in different parts of the body, like the lungs, the bosoms, colon or even in the blood.

Mostly, the cancer acquires different forms and that the doctors name “a tumor” or “mass“; but not all the tumors are mortal. Not cancerous tumors are named benign, while the cancerous ones receive the name of malignant. . There are several types of cancer such as leukemia (blood cancer) that do not form tumors; these types of cancer are developed in the blood or other body cells.

What causes it?

The cancer involves a complex group of diseases with a variety of possible causes. These include:

Helicobacter Pylori

Cause of injuries in the stomach and duodenum, causing serious diseases, including gastric cancer, a type of cancer very common in the Nicaraguan population.

Genetic or hereditary factors

The National Cancer Institute of the U.S., says that the genetic factor is related between 5 and 10% of all cancers. Some types of cancer are more likely to arise between the members of the same family, such as breast cancer or ovaries. There are currently genetic tests that allow to predict the likelihood of developing cancer of a hereditary type.

Tobacco consumption

Smoking causes harm to almost all organs of the human body; does not increase only the risk for lung cancer (main cause of death by cancer among men and women), but it is also a risk factor for cancers of: mouth, larynx, pharynx, esophagus, kidney, cervix, liver, bladder, pancreas, stomach, colon and rectum and myeloid leukaemia.

Fundación Movicancer
“Cancer occurs with the alteration in the uncontrolled growth of cells that is caused by the action of viruses, bacteria, unprotected exposure to chemicals or live in an environment where the sedentary lifestyle or the intake of foods are rich in saturated fats”
Fundación Movicancer

Virus del papiloma humano (VPH)

This virus is the main cause of cervical cancer, oropharyngeal, anal, vaginal, penis, among others. However, it is necessary to bear in mind that they exist more than 100 genotypes of HPV and and not all cause the same types of cancers.

It is also important to bear in mind that although we all exposed to HPV. It is estimated that at least 80% of all women in the world will become infected at some time in their life by this virus, but most will never develop any type of cancer. This is due to the fact that the majority of the people, the immune system eliminates the presence of the virus, and only in a small amount will be persistence of the virus (See cervical cancer).

It must be borne in mind that the infection of HPV is a natural element of the human being.

There are other risk factors in which we can work to decrease the number of cases of cancer:

  • Feeding
  • Physical Activity
  • Weight
  • Consumption of alcohol
  • Exposure to the sun
  • Environmental exposures, such as radon, lead and asbestos
  • Exposure to infections such as hepatitis, HPV and HIV.


The most common treatments for cancer are: surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Surgery is one of the methods used to remove tumors, for example, in breast cancer is removed a part or the whole breast; prostate cancer could be drawn the prostate gland. The surgery is not a treatment suitable for all types of cancers; but when the type of cancer does not apply to undergo surgery does not mean that is advanced or will die. Now doctors have more and better treatments to cure the cancer, so that there are increasingly more survivors.

For patients with chronic diseases and cancer, sticking to the treatment will be something very tiring. To change this scenario, this video aims to facilitate the life of the patients and show that when it correctly follows the indicated treatment improves the quality of life.

Fundación Movicancer
Nicaragua has already an equipment like this, called linear accelerator, customizes the high-energy x-rays to conform to the shape of a tumor and destroy the cancer cells without affecting the surrounding normal tissue. Radiation can be delivered to the tumor from any angle by rotating the gantry and moving the treatment stretcher.
  • Chemotherapy, is a treatment in which drugs are used to destroy cancer cells or delay their multiplication. Some types of chemotherapy are given intravenously, while others are taken in the form of pills.
  • Radiotherapy, it is another type of treatment that is given either alone or together with surgery and chemotherapy to destroy cancer cells or retard their multiplication.
  • Brachytherapy, allows a higher dose of radiation in a smaller area than what could be possible with the treatment of external radiation. It uses a radiation source that is usually sealed in a small container called an implant. The different types of implants can be called pills, seeds, tapes, wires, needles, capsules, balloons or tubes with radiation. Regardless of the type of implant that is in use, this is placed on your body, very near or within the tumor. In this way, the radiation affects the lower number of normal cells as possible.


There is no single formula for cancer prevention. What you can do is adopt a healthy lifestyle and take steps to help lower your chances of getting it.

  • Tobacco: many types of cancers could be prevented if people do not consume tobacco. Visit tobacco and cancer for more information.
  • Food: eat fruits and vegetables, opt for whole grains instead of refined cereals and sugars, limit red meats, limit processed meats; These and other eating habits can help greatly to reduce the risk of cancer. See Feeding Advice to learn more.
  • Physical activity and weight: exercising frequently and maintaining a healthy weight can greatly reduce the risk of developing cancer.
  • Alcohol consumption: if you consume alcoholic beverages, limit the consumption of these substances. This will help to reduce the risk of enduring cancer.

“We can, I can” we expressed that we can all do our bit to reduce the risk of developing cancer, that we can all do something to reduce the impact of this disease in our country and that we can ensure that the fight against this disease is a priority for all”

  • Ultraviolet rays and sunlight: You can reduce your chances of getting skin cancer if you:
  • Avoid exposure to the sun between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
  • Use cap, hat, long sleeve shirt and dark glasses to be under the sun.
  • Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30.
  • Early diagnosis:cancer can be overcome if it is detected early. Tests related to cervical cancer prevention such as: Pap smear, Visual inspection with acetic acid (VIAA), and the HPV test are available at no cost to you at most MINSA health services.

Although the Breast Cancer cannot be prevented, if it is possible to detect in time through a rigorous examination of breasts on an annual basis, especially after the age of 40, followed by a biopsy in suspected cases. Although 40% of cancers are preventable modifying behaviors such as diet, sedentarism or limit the sugars consumption, tobacco and alcohol; everyone should be attentive to signs and symptoms that may occur at any time in life. We must create a custom to check ourselves once a year in order to rule out diseases that could develop. We want to remind you that it is very important that you tell a doctor any questions you have.

Sources consulted: American Cancer Society cancer.org. & National Cancer Institute de los EE.UU.

Checked: 05/04/2018
