Fundación Movicancer

Cervical Cancer Task Force

Lima, Peru: Within the framework of the 5CCCI from November 3-8, 2013, the meeting of the Cervical Cancer Operative Group of the RINC was held, of which the Movicancer Foundation is an associated member with the presence of different cooperation agencies to health development. The challenges for the effective control of cervical cancer (CCU) were discussed and a regional project with 5 objectives under the umbrella of the RINC was proposed. It was established that this project fits into the strategic framework of PAHO for the control of cancer in women in Latin America. In addition, the different agencies were invited to assess this intervention in order to create a development fund for the control of cervical cancer in the Americas.

Each country presented its progress in the last year, after the meeting in Buenos Aires. Nicaragua, through the Movicancer Foundation, presented both the limitations and the advances in the CCU. One of the limitations felt is the non-evaluation of the latest cancer control plan, as this limits the identification of specific needs, but also the achievements made cannot be made visible. Another aspect that limits the development of the program at the national level is that the Cancer Component team is made up of only one human resource, which, although it has a great will to work, efforts are diluted by the demand for care, evaluation and monitoring at the national level. national of the CCU program.

Another commented aspect is the need to prepare human resources that lead the local health programs in each health region, in effective management for the CCCU. Among the positive aspects, the implementation of the Surveillance System for the Prevention of Cancer in Women (SIVIPCAN®) at the national level was proposed. The design of the National Cancer Control Plan 2013-2017. The Study in progress of the “Cervical Cancer Situation in Nicaraguaâ€. And the political will of the Nicaraguan state to improve the conditions of women expressed through various initiatives being developed by MINSA such as Cytological Screening and VIA Campaigns, as well as the development of a National Palliative Care Policy.

One of the main challenges for Nicaragua is the adoption of new early detection techniques for precursor lesions of UC Cancer, since there is a strong adherence to conventional cytological screening, although the cost-benefit of Cervical Cytology versus Cervical Cytology is still unknown locally. new molecular detection technologies (HPV). There is still a need to strengthen the implementation of Sivipcan®. MINSA needs collaborative technical support to overcome institutional barriers and take on new challenges that ensure concrete changes to put the PAHO/WHO guidelines into practice.
