FUNDENUSE expands its financial inclusion program to women with cancer
On December 17, the National Foundation Against Cancer, Movicáncer, received a donation of
On October 20, approximately 7 thousand people participated in the sixth edition of the pink race Yo corro por ellas®, organized by the Movement Against Cancer Foundation, Movicancer, to raise funds for the creation of the Pressotherapy and Breast Prosthesis Workshop at the Bertha Calderón Roque Hospital.
In addition to the massive participation of people of different ages, this race had the support of 60 companies and brands that not only supported this initiative through sponsorships, but from their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) departments, involved dozens of employees, not only on the day of the race but in the days before with awareness activities on the importance of early detection of breast cancer.
The race occurred from the Rubén Darío roundabout (Metrocentro) to the Centroamérica roundabout and vice versa. Along the five-kilometer route, different companies set up hydration stations for all participants, many of whom were present with their pets.
The race organized by Movicancer was also attended by officials and collaborators from different state institutions, such as the Ministries of Health, Family and Women’s Affairs, and the Social Security Institute (INSS).
In addition, as a way of giving them a leading role and supporting them in obtaining income, in this sixth edition of Yo corro por ellas® there was an expo sale of articles made by the women who are fighting against breast cancer from the Sewing and Crafts Workshop School that Movicancer manages at the Bertha Calderón Hospital.
Yo corro por ellas® takes place on the occasion of the commemoration of International Breast Cancer Day on October 19, a disease with which every year 1,500 women are diagnosed. In Nicaragua, breast cancer is the second leading cause of death in women.
Movicancer Foundation thanks all the people, sponsors, and media who participated with enthusiasm and commitment in this race, an event that was not only a celebration of life and hope but also a powerful manifestation of solidarity in the fight against breast cancer.
On December 17, the National Foundation Against Cancer, Movicáncer, received a donation of
On October 20, approximately 7 thousand people participated in the sixth edition of
Cervical cancer is the leading cause of death related to reproductive sexual health