Movicancer receives “Alianza Latina Edition 2017” Award
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2017. Within the framework of the 12th Forum of the Latin
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2017. Within the framework of the 12th Forum of the Latin
Washington, 2017 – The headquarters of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) in Washington, DC,
On Sunday, December 11, 2016, the Mostarun 5K and 10K Race was held for the
Rio de Janeiro – On October 11, the Operational Group for the Control of Cervical
Within the framework of World Cancer Day (February 04), Movicáncer Foundation presented the awards “Hope
VIENNA, February 4 (United Nations Information Service) – World Cancer Day is always an opportunity
Twenty years ago, Breast Cancer was not listed as a priority for public and private
Within the framework of World Cancer Day (February 04), Movicáncer Nicaragua delivered the “Hope for
In Nicaragua every day, about three women are diagnosed with breast cancer (BCa). National statistics
On May 22, 2014, the preparatory meeting was held for the development of the Nicaraguan
On March 15, 2014, the Workshop on the updates of PAHO/WHO on the guidelines for
As part of the strengthening of the registration, surveillance and follow-up strategy through Sivipcan®, the