Walking to recovery

Deal successfully with the cancer is possible, but it requires all the help available. Thus, since 2010, Movicancer promoted an initiative to help men, women and children with some type of cancer in order to facilitate their displacement and feeding in transit to the national reference hospitals to receive necessary treatment that can lead to the remission of the disease.

This program has helped dozens of patients start, continue or finish their treatment. Of course, some have not been able to win the battle against their disease, but without this program their fight against this evil would have been more difficult.

Since this year, every oncological patient will have the new Kit: Path to recovery. In addition, we will be initiating a new project to access high-cost drugs especially for women with Her2 breast cancer with the opportunity to cure this terrible cancer.

Although the psychological impact of a cancer diagnosis creates fear and anxiety, the patient can do much to not allow cancer take control of their life.

Counseling kit for patients in cancer treatment

In Nicaragua, every year more than 6.400 people are diagnosed with some type of cancer. When a patient receives this diagnosis he believes that life came to an end, he loses hope and thinks that fighting is not worth it. Death and other consequences are closely linked to socio-economic and cultural factors that come from disinformation and discriminatory paradigms and the worst with fatalistic vision of the problem. Little information and indifference are the worst enemies of a cancer patient.

How to deal in a positive way to these negative feelings?  How to deal with such insecurity that causes this new situation of life? The way is to have the information necessary to be able to know what is coming, what is the following and what are the steps towards the recovery.

Fundación Movicancer
When cancer touches a person’s life, it makes sense for their closest friends to wonder how they can help or what to do for you. Make a list of things you might need help with, so they can choose what they can do for you.
Fundación Movicancer
This kit is prepared to ensure that the patient has the necessary basic information in the moments that has greater anxiety.

This new Movicancer service is aimed at empowering patients and their families when they are going through oncological treatment. Some of the topics were the result of various focal groups with patients, survivors and their families in relation to the concerns and needs of knowledge on different topics, such as: how to understand their illness, how to communicate with the Treating physician and his team. What is chemotherapy, radiation, and other forms of treatment, such as continuing to enjoy sexual partner life at this stage, that other forms of treatment may complement the one you already receive from your doctor to manage pain and the effects of cancer treatment. But more importantly we leave a booklet related to address the psychological and spiritual aspects at this stage for nothing easy for the person and his family; and most importantly; We offer you a simple, scientific and sufficient information and recommendations so that the disease does not take control of your life.

But those of us who are not affected or have not gone through this path can also sympathize with those who suffer from some form of cancer. No one deserves to live cancer alone.

The indolence social causes, although many see the pain of others, we do it without reacting, doing nothing because it did not touch us, nor those we love. Instead, solidarity, that is, identifying ourselves with the pain of others and “doing something” to alleviate suffering is the highest value par excellence of the human being. In Movicancer and hundreds of volunteers who work with us, we believe that “social indifference, along with cancer, must be eradicated definitively“.

Fundación Movicancer
“There are many concerns you have going through this disease and the kit will guide you”


Official launch of the first Kit of counseling for patient in oncological treatment
